Tag Archives: Books

So Many Books


To keep with my new vow to buy secondhand, I’ve hit up one of the local secondhand book shops for some new books. Actually, it’s more like my dad hit them up as I was stuck at home after a wisdom tooth extraction (details of which will never, ever be present here. I promise. I’ve been trying to forget it and it’s sort of working). Cue, the list:


  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • The Innocent by Ian McEwan
  • The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Suite Francaise by Irene Nimrovsky
  • North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
  • A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh

Add to that, I’ve still got some on my bookshelf that haven’t been touched. What I would give to be able to speed read because I seriously just want to get into all of this. I guess I just have to take it one at a time because if I keep succumbing to my terrible habit of reading more than one each time, I’ll likely never finish. I don’t even want to think about how hard it’ll be to pick which one to read next or how to order all of them, really. One at a time. I’ll worry about it later. For now, I’ll just look as far as finishing Never Let Me Go… halfway finished and loving every page of it.

SOS: Need new books

I don’t impulse-buy when it comes to books. I tend to be very picky and read a few reviews/versions of a certain book’s summary before I read it. Even worse, I tend to check out the movie-versions, if they exist, of books before I read them. Well, I don’t mean to go for the movie before the book. Honest! It just so happens that I come to know of the book after catching whiff of  film or something. I’m sort of black/white on the matter of book-picking. If the subject/summary doesn’t make me want to go get the book right then and there, I probably never will… as in, the books I tend to purchase are those I’ve been dying to get my hands on. I’m rarely ever ‘meh’ on books before I purchase. If I go for something, I better be bloody excited to actually read it. The problem now is that I received a 15% off coupon from Chapters (CDN book shop) which I’d very much like to use but I haven’t got a clue what to use it on. It’s only valid this weekend so I better pick fast. I just got Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro which I’m kind of in love with so there will probably be some posts about it soon. I’ve not finished it yet so I wasn’t even looking into getting another one but a discount’s a discount so I best make use of it, you know? What on, though… hmm. I should get to making a list of books I want/haven’t read and then just pick? Or… magazines make nifty little lists that might help. Even better, I’ve finally joined LibraryThing after I saw it mentioned on She Reads Novels. Maybe I’ll find something there? If not, then I guess I’ll just be spending the night trying to recall every book I’ve read, make a list of it all and then make one for those that I’ve got to. Either way, that’s a good few hours spent on book-musing. Wish me luck.